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25th World Congress of Dermatology

DEBRA International and GlobalSkin Symposium

DEBRA International, in collaboration with the International Alliance of Dermatology Patient Organizations (GlobalSkin), is hosting a symposium as a side event to the 25th World Congress of Dermatology (WCD) taking place in Singapore from the 3rd to the 8th of July 2023. The WCD is a prestigious event held every four years and is an opportunity to showcase DEBRA International as a leading patient organisation globally. 


The symposium will focus on the following topics:


Clinical, research, and industry updates focussed on epidermolysis bullosa and successful collaborations with DEBRA

This session will provide an update on emerging therapies, and demonstrate benefits of DEBRA engagement for patients, DEBRA member groups, industry, and researchers using global and regional examples of successful collaboration.


Building impactful patient organisations through supportive partnerships

This session will bring together the Asian dermatology community (including patient advocates and organisations, clinicians, dermatology societies, dermatology nurses, researchers, and industry) to explore how to foster effective interactions and collaborations to support the establishment and growth of dermatology patient organisations, particularly in Asia.


The symposium is free and open to anyone to attend with no prior registration required. The content of the symposium is suitable for patient families, advocacy organisations, researchers, and healthcare professionals.


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